En Residència / Institut Infanta Isabel d’Aragó

En Residència imatge

With students of 4th ESO Institute Infanta Isabel  d’Aragó identify and analyze various structures and mechanisms through which knowledge is generated and memory. The school itself seems an ideal venue from which to analyze the ways in which memory and knowledge are built and destroyed. At school we have assumed that we will learn , knowledge is flowing, it seems that we should provide the tools to unravel at least part of some of these structures . During this process , understood as a creative , try search strategies from which to question the collective memory . From what we observe in the immediate environment at the same Institute , the neighborhood or house and will expand the scope depending on the interests of the group , visiting other places and contexts in which to build relationships . Questions about the structure of the center, visible and hidden content , history , memory, forgetfulness but also the 50th anniversary of the center may be a good starting point , subjects , teachers, students … These are tools that generate from our artistic approach . Artists in Residence institutes Barcelona is a program of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona and Barcelona Education Consortium , designed in cooperation with the Association A Bao A Qu . Antonia Del Rio ‘s residence at the Institute Infanta Isabel d’Aragó is curated and coordinated by the Association Bao A Qu . More information about the program www.enresidencia.org Direct link to the blog of the process here  aquí.

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