Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA at schools in Barcelona is a program of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, devised in cooperation with the association A Bao A Qu.
Antonia del Río residence at the Institut Infanta Isabel d’Aragó was curated and coordinated by the association A Bao A Qu. It took place during the school year 2013-2014.
More information about the program
With students of 4th year of the Institut Infanta Isabel d’ Aragó identify and analyze various structures and mechanisms by which knowledge and memory are generated . The same school seems the right context from which to analyze the ways in which memory and knowledge are built and destroyed.
We have assumed that school will learn. Knowledge flows. It seems that we should find the tools to unravel at least part of some of these structures.
During this process, we understood creatively, try to find strategies from which challenged the collective memory. We start from the observation in the immediate surroundings, at the same Institute, in the neighborhood or at home and we will expand the range in the interests of the group, visiting other areas or contexts in which to establish relationships.
Questions about the structure of the center, visible and hidden content, history, memory, but also forgotten-the 50th anniversary of the center can be a good point of departure subjects, teachers, students … These are the tools from which to generate our artistic proposal.
You can check what the process of the project was here