The essential contents

Els continguts imprescindibles (The essential contents)

Artist book

316 pages

Hard covers

18 x 23.5 x 3 cm

Edition of 15 copies



Prize Production aid CAC Ses Voltes 2016, Palma.

The essential contents replicates the book L’art en el Regne de Mallorca by Marcel Durliat, which is the most requested on loan by users of the library of the Faculty of Art History of the University of the Balearic Islands at the time of the draft. With the same measurements, number of pages, cover, type of paper, etc., as if it were the same edition. But in the artist edition the text has been removed. Only the marks and signs are printed (underlined with pencil, pen …) that the different readers have made on the pages, probably with the intention of highlighting the most relevant content or those key concepts in the text.

This piece connects with the research area of ​​the Purgue # 1, # 2, # 3 project, where I am interested in the mechanisms of construction and management of knowledge. If in Purgue, a system was revealed to withdraw books from libraries with one of the criteria to do so based on the disinterest of users: if a book is not borrowed, it can be a reason to leave room for others that are more ” necessary “. In The essential contents, he pulls the thread in the opposite direction and points out the most widely read book in Art History studies in the island context. Perhaps you have to wonder why this situation.

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